Wednesday, 24 July 2013

How the Champion select should be in League of Legends!

Okay, for the last 20 mins I have spent my life making this  . As a mid laner in almost every lobby there is an argument with me and another mid laner about "Who called first". Clever people like my self work out that it takes time for the game to process the chat and for the signal to travel between server and the summoner's PC so you are almost always the first to call in the chat ON YOUR SCREEN. These people will ask the team who truly called first on their screen so its fair. But allot of the time the other player is like "no i called first = i lock in and go mid". The system i have thought up and I'm sure many others have also thought of works in the same way champion selection does... you pick a lane and it appears under your champion icon on the left hand side. also its then becomes unavailable to pick for others. although this will not illuminate trolls who will go mid anyway it will help decide the true mid/top/ADC/support laner and jungler are. Additionally at the end of a game in the lobby where you can honer etc it will say the lane they locked in as next to their name so if some one who locked in lets say top but went mid anyway because he/she believes he/she should be mid, the other nine people can see he didn't call first and choose to report him for "lane invasion"(new report for this system). also the game could track where a champion spent there early game and where they killed most creeps to see if the troll top laner did go mid despite the fact that they lock top and apply an appropriate sanction.

This is only an idea to stop the "who called who" issue not to stop thing like dual top or Annie + Rammus bot.

Thanks for reading and please share this around so riot can see.....